Monday, November 24, 2008

Energy Drinks

I feel bad for not posting. I regrettably have been way too busy with homework and such to even think about getting on the computer for anything other than homework.
So now I'm making myself post even though I'm not done with homework.
And the quote that went with a lesson I learned in seminary...I can't find it. I'm sorry. But it basically said that the most important commandment is the one that is the hardest for you to keep.

An increasing problem has been energy drinks.
The Word of Wisdom has nothing against them specifically.
But they contain caffeine. A lot of caffeine. An average can of cola has about 22-55 milligrams of caffeine. An energy drink can have from 80-500 milligrams of caffeine, in a single can.
So what about it?
Caffeine is, basically, a drug. It's kind of like alcohol (though obviously a lot milder).
Your body can become addicted to it. So by drinking these "energy" drinks often, one can become addicted. And it is very hard to break the addiction.
But energy drinks aren't just being used as an energy drink. Teens are having contests, seeing who can drink the most and/or the fastest.
Chugging an energy drink can be very dangerous. There's a certain speed that your body can take it. Pushing it definitely isn't the best thing to be doing...

So anyway...beware.
Just because something isn't specifically specified in the word of wisdom, doesn't make it okay. The word of wisdom doesn't give an list of all the drugs and stuff that's out there. Just use your head. If it's dangerous to your health, don't do it.

I know that by following the word of wisdom, and keeping our bodies healthy, we can lead a happier, more successful life. And I know that if we have a healthy body, we can have a healthy spirit.
In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Quick Apology/Short Thought

Hello my few readers...
I would like to quickly apologize for not posting for so long.
There is a lesson/principle I would like to post, but it has been difficult to try to do without the quote that Bro. Moon handed out in seminary.
So no, I am not falling away from the church and abandoning this blog.
I just can't remember what the quote was and who said it.
So I am going to check when I go to seminary tomorrow.
And then I promise I will post. Which means that now that I said that, I have to. Or I will feel like I have let you down.

But here is a short thought so that you don't have to be completely deprived of spirituality until tomorrow.

"The most effective medicine for the sickness of self-pity is to lose ourselves in the service of others." - Gordon B. Hinckley

I've been thinking about that a lot lately and been trying to be so much nicer to people and make people's days better.
Like maybe leaving a little note for someone. Or giving a sad friend a hug. Or dropping a piece of gum or a coin for someone to find. Picking something up that someone dropped. Giving a random person a compliment.
Just small things you know? You never know when that will be an answer to a prayer.
Just be there for your friends and family, they need you.
And I have noticed that when I am kinder to others, I feel better.
In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


A principle is a teaching or a truth or a lesson that can be applied in our lives.

A principle is also like a pearl.

There is a parable about pearls in Matthew 13:45-46.

45 ¶ Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls:

46 Who, when he had found one apearl of great price, went and sold ball that he had, and bought it.

From this we learn that once we find an principle that is important to us, we buy it and make it ours. It reminded me of another scripture, Matthew 6:21.

21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

I'm not sure why, but I think I made the connection because to own a principle you have to live it and seek after it. And once you own it it will be in your heart, and will be your greatest treasure.

Joseph Smith found a principle in James 1:5

5 aIf any of you lack bwisdom, let him ask of God, that cgiveth to all men liberally, and dupbraideth not; and it shall be given him.

Because he bought this principle, and mad it his, we have the church on earth today. If he hadn't thought to buy this pearl, we would not know the full truth. He impacted many generations through this. Likewise, I think that we, ordinary people, can have an impact on others around us and not yet on earth.

But even if our change from owning a pearl doesn't impact as many as Joseph Smith did, it can still be of great worth.

I challenge you to find your principle, your pearl. Make it yours. Live that principle. I know that by following the teachings in the scriptures, we can hav eternal life and live with our Heavenly Father and Savior forever.
In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.